UpayCard customers

Go ahead and move to mani

We’re happy to meet you. We’re your new wallet

The wallet gives you a variety of exclusive and advanced unlimited payment options! Everyone (and we do mean everyone) is welcome to use mani!

Money transfers and requests with just a click

Make transfers or payments and reload using mani’s digital wallet

New ! A limitless wallet

Have you reached the limits of your payment applications again? Did the credit company or the bank limit you again? With mani , you can get payments and make payments in different ways and without limits.

Is your money already in mani?

How is this done?

mani customers save more through our highly cost-effective customer club

It doesn’t matter if you’re buying new clothing or even a dining table - for each transaction, you’ll find a wide variety of businesses that award mani customers a special discount.

If you've come this far, it’s time to move on to mani.

Switch to mani the wallet that suits everyone without a usage ceiling!

To download the app and join, choose the appropriate app store: